Peckham’s Career Planning and Consultation (CPC) program is a referral only program designed to offer a variety of career assessment, planning and exploration services to individuals facing barriers to employment. Persons referred may present employment challenges including, but not limited to, physical, cognitive, emotional and economic concerns. During the CPC process, individuals will learn about their vocational strengths and abilities and how to enter or rejoin the workforce. With each client we develop an individualized plan, and identify objectives and methods for obtaining goals. In addition, we identify appropriate work sites for evaluation, schedule appointments for participation, assess work behavior skills, and provide feedback regarding social and work skills.
Programs Include
- Vocational Evaluation
- Vocational Assessment and Discovery
- Pre Employment Readiness Training
- Job Placement Services
- Youth and Adult
- Adults with Mental Health Diagnosis (Community Work Experience Program)
- Adults with Developmental Disability Diagnosis (Supported Employment Program)
Admission Criteria
- Be referred through State Vocational Rehabilitation, providers funded by Auto-No Fault Insurance, or private case management
- Have a documented disability or other identified vocational barrier(s)
- Meet funding eligibility criteria as required by program guidelines
- Have a general physical or psychological evaluation appropriate to the documented disability, current within one year of entry into program as required by program guidelines
- Be able to take care of personal needs or have an attendant who will assist with those needs
- Engage in behavior that is safe
- Have arranged transportation
- Voluntarily participate in programs
- Be eligible to work in the United States
- Pass a criminal history background check as required by program guidelines
Referring agencies may schedule individuals for assessment and career planning by contacting Peckham Career Planning and Consultation staff. Referral information to be submitted prior to the start date includes:
- A Peckham, Inc. referral form listing requested services and specific questions to be addressed
- A current general medical report for individuals with a medical diagnosis
- A psychological report for individuals with cognitive or mental health diagnoses
- Other pertinent background information
- Authorization for payment and billing information
The Career Planning and Consultation staff will schedule a beginning date with the referring counselor and consumer. Staff may also request additional information or suggest other services. All referrals are accepted unless they do not meet Peckham’s admission criteria.

- Vocational discovery and assessment
- On-the-job training and evaluation
- Job coaching
Program Elements
Employer Contacts & Job Tryouts
The career planning staff secure and supervise job visits with as much support as needed. They also provide coaching and feedback, as well as detailed written behavioral observations and other needed accommodations.
Throughout the career planning process, continuous effort is made to provide individuals with accurate information regarding skills and vocational interests. Clients are encouraged to take a primary role in guiding and defining the evaluation process by outlining goals, doing independent research and taking an active role in completing the final report. Individuals create opportunities to speak to employers, review labor market information, and prepare for job searches while identifying realistic career choices matching their interests and abilities.
Accommodations and support will be provided to enable the client to fully participate in the program. Peckham provides:
- Environmental accommodations
- Job tailoring and work schedule modification
- Assistive devices
- Ergonomic adjustment
- Daily check-ins and feedback
Job Placement Services
- Youth & Adult Job Placement
- Community Work Experience
- Supported Employment
Youth & Adult Job Placement
Through its Community Employment Services, Peckham works with a variety of local organizations to assist individuals who may experience barriers in their job search. Services include guided job search, on-site job coaching, and employer support for job accommodation and implementation. Services also include follow- up support after placement to ensure individuals maintain employment. Participants are referred by a third party or self-refer to this fee-for-service program.
Community Work Experience
This program is a collaborative effort between Peckham, Michigan Rehabilitation Services, and Community Mental Health Authority of Clinton, Eaton and Ingham counties. The program is designed to assist and support individuals with serious and persistent mental illness in obtaining and maintaining employment in their local communities.
Supported Employment
This program is a collaborative effort between Peckham, Michigan Rehabilitation Services, Michigan Bureau of Services for Blind Person, and Community Mental Health Authority of Clinton, Eaton and Ingham counties. The services assist those with developmental disabilities to find and maintain competitive jobs within their local communities